09 January 2005

Philippines - Travel 2005

Boracay Sunset

January 2005

Dear family and friends,

Hello everyone. This is the fourth winter in a row in which I have headed to the Southern Hemisphere as an escape from Vancouver/Savary winters. Again this year I will be recording some of my travel thoughts and experiences. These scribblings will, in turn, end up plugging your inboxes, even the inboxes of those of you that I haven't heard from in awhile. I hope they are of some interest. Anyway, as always, I spent a minimum amount of time planning my trip and I am ever late in booking flights. However, when I headed back to Savary in mid December, I noted some graffiti in the men's washroom at Earl's Cove. A series of astutely observant weathermen had recorded the following conditions:

Oct. 13 wet and foggy

Oct. 23 cold & scary

Nov. 3 wet

Nov. 6 raining

Nov. 24 snowing

Dec. 2 f***ing cold

Dec. 7 pissin' rain

Hey, I didn't just fall off a turnip truck. On reading that, particularly "cold and scary", I pretty much knew it was time to book my flights and get away. When I got to Savary, I did just that, booking a flight to New Zealand with a stop in Manila on the way there, and a stop in Kuala Lumpur on the way back. The general area, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand, were easy choices given I will have a chance to connect with Lorraine in Auckland for a few days on her way back from Australia. I have never been to New Zealand and it has crept up my list of places to go as it is unfailingly raved about by all who have visited there. Other details of my trip are to be decided as I go, but I hope to visit some of the eastern Indonesian islands and possibly Papua New Guinea.