05 April 2008

Japan - Photos & Notes

Dad visited Japan in April 2008 and did not put together a trip report. He sent this email to close family. I didn't correct the typos as they were evidence of the trouble he had with strange Japanese keyboards! 

Dear Family,

This will be a very short not.  Internet is very hard
to find here and when you do, one has to cope with
Japanese characters and strange keyboards.  This one
only types uppercase unless the shift key is held

Anyway, I am here in Kyoto but will probably have to
leave tomorrow and go to Osaka as all hotels are full
with people here to view the cherry blossoms.  All is
well but I am looking forward to getting home on the
10th.  Much love to all.


Here then are some photos he selected from his visit to Tokyo. And some of his notes from his travel journal, no doubt intended for a travel report that just never got finished and sent out. 
