26 February 2006

Thailand: The Land of Smiles

Street Food Stall Smiles

Dear family and friends,

Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South East Asia. Tourism was jump started in the 1960's during the American-Vietnam War. At that time, the US built a number of bases here, and now millions of tourists and travelers come here every year attracted by great beaches, delicious food, countless beautiful Buddhist Temples (Wats), all wrapped up in an exotic and historical culture.

Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles. There can be little doubt as to why. Every meeting, greeting, or leaving is an occasion for a big smile, often accompanied with the familiar palms-together, up-under-the chin, ‘wai’ sign. This genuine cheerfulness is said to have its roots in three Thai concepts, naa (face), sanuk (fun), and phuu yai - phuu nawy (big person - little person).